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Shape of A Tear

2022 - 2023

Shape of A Tear is an on-going collection of in-tears video portrait. The project sprung from the most notorious lockdown happened during year 2022 in Shanghai and most parts of China, which has been largely erased from official records. Through documenting and reliving one's moment of tears through genuine sharing, this project aims to provide therapeutic heal for the trauma and struggle that has and continued putting us in tears, through the seeing, existing and recording. 

眼泪的形状 是一个进行中的流泪肖像集。流泪的瞬间通常是一个人最脆弱的表情,也往往是自知强烈,并羞于被观看的时候。经过2022年眾所週知卻被官方刪除的大事件,人們的记忆中留下了無尽的創傷。 每个人关于流泪也许有不同的故事。这个项目记录了每个人开始流泪的过程,希望通过录制和分享以及看见的过程给予每个人的挣扎与创伤以治愈。

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